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Who are you?

Student or child

Teacher, parent or guardian

Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account.

Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!

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Sharing and recognition

Student creations are shared in the form of beautiful interactive stories.

Build your students' confidence by sharing their stories in the form of interactive illustrated albums!

  1. Transform the class into a community of authors.
  2. Gives students a purpose for their writing.

Easily group and share student achievements by creating themed bulletin boards.

A great way to disseminate the works of your class throughout the school, and to establish a link with parents who will be able to follow their child's progress.

“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents).

I agree 100%.”

- Rosalie, mother, École St-Louis-de-France